Posts, including excerpts and/or blurbs should be under 1,000 words.
Please be sure to drop in when your post goes live. Leave a short comment, like a thanks or glad to be here or something. Some posts get a lot of comments; some don’t get any, but responding does build loyalty, and you might just get a new reader out of the deal. Be sure to check in for at least a couple of days to answer comments.
share the post on your social media networks. I’ll
do the same. Authors who promo the post on their social media pages and
author/readers loops get more activity on the post.
I don’t have an adult warning so keep all material appropriate for mixed audiences.
Please read the guidelines below for the day you are guesting.
Muse Mondays:
1) author name (if different from your name) and your X
handle (@myname) (I’ll follow you on X) and Facebook page if you'd like to connect there too.
2) headshot and a book cover as separate JPG or PNG documents. Do not embed in word
3) a couple of photos if you took them
(other than your headshot and book cover) if they complement your post
4) Please send a post about any topic which is related to the book you are
promoting in a Word document. (This isn’t a strictly spotlight post) Also send
a book blurb, a PG excerpt, and your buy links in a Word document. You can also
send your contact links and a brief bio. Don't get too wordy, or I might need
to trim your post. Keep the excerpt to a couple of paragraphs.
For Wicked
1) author name (if different from your name) and your X handle (@myname) (I’ll follow you on X) and Facebook page if you'd like to connect there too.
2) headshot and a book cover as separate JPG or PNG documents
3) a couple of photos if you took them
(other than your headshot and book cover) if they complement your post. Do not
embed photos in the word doc.
4) Let's hear about your wicked villain(s), a wickedly funny scene in your book, a wicked setting, a wickedly good recipe...feel the drift? Whatever you deem wicked good or wicked bad in a word doc post.
5) At the end of the post you can spotlight your book with a blurb. After all, we want to sell books whether soft sell
or in your face sell. Send buy links and a cover shot attached to the email to
me as a JPG. You can also include a brief bio and contact links
Fearless Fridays:
1) author name (if different from your name) and your X handle (@myname) (I’ll follow you on X) and Facebook page if you'd like to connect there too.
2) headshot and a book cover as separate
JPG or PNG documents
3) a couple of photos if you took them
(other than your headshot and book cover) if they complement your post. Do not
embed photos in a word doc.
4) Have you done something that's rash or life changing (moved across country, quit your day job, jumped off a cliff for research for your book - the sky is the limit on the subject) and you can blog about it? Send the post to me in a word document.
5) This post should not be in your face promo.
Soft promo is good. You could relate your experience to your book. Otherwise, at
the end of the post you can highlight your book with a short blurb and give buy links and a cover shot attached to the email as a JPG. We do want to sell
books. You can also include a brief bio and contact links.
January 9 Susan Palmquist
January 20 Muse Monday Maggie Blackbird
January 29 Wicked Wednesday Tina Donahue
February 7 Fearless Friday Joyce Proell
February 10 Muse Monday (open)
February 26 Wicked Wednesday Neil Plakcy
March 3 Muse Monday Reggi Allder
March 12 Wicked Wednesday Tina Donahue
March 21 Fearless Friday Kim McMahill
April 7 Muse Monday Karen Cino
April 18 Fearless Friday Barbara Mountjoy
April 21 Muse Monday Susie Black
April 23 Wicked Wednesday Colleen Driscoll aka C. Becker
May 5 Muse Monday Kris Bock
May 14 Wicked Wednesday Anne Hamilton Fowler
May 23 Fearless Friday Amber Daulton
June 2 Muse Monday Martha O'Sullivan
June 11 Wicked Wednesday Reggi Allder
June 20 Fearless Friday M S Spencer