Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ahoy Matey! What Lurks in the Fog

  Tortuga Thursday
In 2012, on the plains of Northern Arizona, two families joined forces and began the trials and tribulations of building a small family farm with nothing in the bank but love.

Fog hangs over the crops
I was treated to a rare weather phenomenon this morning - fog. I think we've only had a foggy farm one other time in the three years we've been here. Fog fascinates me for some unknown reason. The urge to walk into the cloud and see if there's something waiting that's different pulls at me. A romantic notion because I know that the only thing waiting is mud. We've had so much rain.

The big heirlooms are finally coming ripe. This guy made our salad last
Heirloom compared to regular tomato
night, or at least half of him did. The taste was phenomenal.

The purple green beans are coming in at such a rate we can't keep up. Today, we'll have to can some of them. They are so sweet and tender,
I hate to lose any of them. I'll see if I can wrangle Frank into doing the canning. After cutting and preparing, he'll probably agree to pressure
All shades of purple green beans
cook can them for me. I don't want to learn how.

Last week I promised to unveil our Kickstarter campaign but plans have changed. We've decided to coincide it with our reentry into the farmers' market on August 23. I'll do a special edition
Campaign to expand is coming
of Tortuga Thursday on a Saturday.

Sadi in the willow tree

Sadi clowning in Grand Pa Pa's hat

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