So I thought today, I'd blog about my blog.
I'm not often given over to straight out promo, but that's what this is. And I'm blogging it.
All month The Roses of Prose ladies (of which I am one) have been blogging about what they're thankful for. Considering tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I'm blogging, I'll be thankful just to have someone stop by. And for stopping by and leaving a comment, you could win the very first ever copy of Tattoos, Leather and Studs, my e-novelette. I'm really excited. It releases officially on December 4th from Melange Books. So if you don't win, and you like the excerpt (read it tomorrow on TROP), you can get your copy by going to www.melange-books.com.
Here's the teaser:
Rachael suspects her date, Jason, is a drug dealer, and she’s torn between her attraction for this hot bad boy and running for safety. But a famous rock star vying for her attention and spiked champagne pose far more trouble. On a blind date she’ll never forget, Rachael learns first impressions can lead her down a dangerous path and straight into the arms of love.
So come on over between the turkey and the pie or at halftime of one of the football games.
Happy Thanksgiving!