Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ending the Year With a Bang

This year is ending in a flurry of activity and I'm having trouble keeping up. On the editing job side, I'm winding up one book and starting two new ones - deadlines loom. On the writing side, I'm editing 2 books at once and those release dates are crowding me. Argh - more deadlines looming. If it sounds like I'm complaining, well, I'm not really. How can I complain about having great work like editing and I certainly am not complaining about having a couple of more books published. I love this! But I am whining a bit about not enough hours in the day. I've got to fit in marketing for the new releases and still try to get my current book written and ready for a conference in April. Yikes!

This is the time of year I absolutely love. As Thanksgiving approaches and I'm looking forward to Christmas and the New Year festivities, my spirits always soar. But it does seem a bit crowded with activity right now. We are also most likely moving across country between Christmas and New Year's Eve. We should know by tomorrow if our offer on a new home has been accepted. It's looking really good. So how is that going to come together along with a trip to visit family for the holidays? I have NO idea. That deadline is looming with no clear plan on how to accomplish it right now.

In the crunch of deadlines, both personal and professional, I've given up a few things I really enjoy like yoga and sleep. My back is aching and my eyes are puffy. Rusty lays at my feet sending me doggy telepathy requests for attention. I have to tune him out. Just let me get this book edited and maybe I'll squeeze in a walk.

All right - back to my edits. And yes, I'd like some cheese with  my whine! Otherwise, I'll forget lunch.

P.S. Going crazy, happily busy, but going crazy.


  1. I liked your post. It made me appreciate the fact that I will be on a beach next week just chilling. No editing (thanks for that) no writing, no e-mails just chilling. Hope your home turns out well, still Arizona?

  2. Oh you lucky duck!! I hope it's a lovely beach and just warm enough. Yes, still Arizona. I have a good feeling about this one since it is not a short sale or foreclosure. Those are racked with probs and 3 of them have crumbled. Thanks for dropping in Cathy.

  3. I'm so glad to hear you found a house you like. I'll keep my fingers crossed for good news!

  4. Thanks, Alison. Luck plays a part in these things.
