Thursday, February 21, 2019

WIP Update A Writer's Life #WritersLife #suspense

puppy exuberance
If I keep on schedule, which I have not been doing of late, today's post should update you on the progress of my current manuscript. I've missed posting two Thursdays in a row, one of which should have been some rambling on what's happening in this writer's life.

first new tooth
But what's happening in this writer's life is exactly why I didn't have time to post. Between the new puppy and a couple of trips to the valley to help out my DIL, we've had medical things. FDW had rotator cuff surgery. This was a complicated surgery for him because it was the same shoulder he had the same operation on eighteen years ago. His chances were 50/50 on fixing it. I'm happy to say, he was in the right half of that 50/50 deal. Now comes the very painful recovery. He is unable to take anything stronger than ibuprofen. He's miserable. He has no use of the arm for weeks so I'm on call. This I-hate-to-cook wife is cooking every meal plus all the other stuff my wonderful other half usually does. Busy.

My medical issues were dental. I had the final steps of getting an implant tooth for the one I knocked out doing a face plant on the sidewalk seven months ago. Four days after
getting it in, it fell out. No kidding. Yesterday, I got another tooth. Let's hope he used Gorilla Glue this time!

Now...the reason I should be blogging today is where I'm at with my new book, working title Magpie MacKenzie, a Joshua, Arizona Novel.

At fifteen chapters in, I realized the book was not on track. Something was off. Magpie had taken a backseat to Zack. She also didn't have near enough angst. Where was her conflict? Why had she drifted off? I did a little ripping of my plot. I gave Magpie and Zack a good talking to. The sparks flew and ideas burned. I went back to the first ten chapters, added scenes, rearranged, and rewrote them. It was a bit of a nightmare. At one point a scene disappeared. I had timeline issues. But I finally wrangled it into shape. The ten chapters are now twelve. I'm happier with where the plot is and the trouble I've dumped on Magpie.

Time to get back to writing.

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