Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wicked Wednesday and Wicked Attraction by Tina Donahue


There's that first meet. Maybe it tells you something right away about the person, or maybe only question arise. Maybe you're instantly drawn in, or you could be repelled. Welcome Tina Donahue to Discover... today for Wicked Wednesday and that first meet. 

A wicked first meeting… This scene is when Kuma’s and Gwen’s eyes first meet. Enjoy.  

A sole woman lagged behind them.


The breeze seemed to pause.

Tall, she wore jeans as he did and what he’d learned was a hoodie on this side, the navy fabric pulled over her head, protecting her hair from the thin autumn shower, hiding those tresses from him. A few wisps had escaped, those locks short and dark.

She stopped within light spilling from the building, the harsh illumination revealing her exotic features, lush lips, coppery skin.

Her fragrance wafted close.

He drew it in. The woodsy scent intoxicated him and complemented her pale-blue eyes, the color sheer, ethereal.

Drizzle collected on her long, dark lashes.

She shoved her hands into her pockets, advanced a few steps, then stopped, and looked at him.

His legs weakened.

Color rose to her cheeks, darkening them.

Why? Because she feared him…or wanted him? 



Erotic Urban Fantasy SciFi Romance

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Passion without limit. Carnal hunger that knows no bounds.

Within Earth’s five dimensions, nothing is as it seems…and desire is never far away.

In E4’s jungle, Kuma’s the Alpha werewolf bent on revenge against the hated guards. Swept with them from that dimension to E1, he prowls Seattle at night, stopping the thugs from abducting women for use as sex slaves in E4’s Pleasure Palace.

On her way home from her nursing job, Gwen senses danger in the night’s shadows. A stranger attacks. Clinging to consciousness, she watches the impossible, a wolf fighting him off…protecting her. She wakes in her own bed, convinced it must have been a dream until she sees Kuma in human form. Virile, intense. A man like no other. 

Within his powerful embrace, Gwen experiences rapture she didn’t believe existed. His unrestrained lust and burning need end her loneliness, though not the menace they face. The guards are a constant threat in their hunt for women and their determination to see Kuma dead. Together, he and Gwen must fight—for his life, her freedom, their future.

She stopped within light spilling from the building, the harsh illumination revealing her exotic features, lush lips, coppery skin.

Her fragrance wafted close.

He drew it in. The woodsy scent intoxicated him and complemented her pale-blue eyes, the color sheer, ethereal.

Drizzle collected on her long, dark lashes.

She shoved her hands into her pockets, advanced a few steps, then stopped, and looked at him.

Rain pattered the concrete, matching his thumping pulse. Music poured from inside a car, its steady throb intensifying the moment. Wind whipped past. Tires swished over asphalt.

Ignoring the incessant noise, she studied him with female interest and curiosity.

He considered her approaching him, drawing close enough to touch.

His legs weakened.

She didn’t budge. Color rose to her cheeks, darkening them.

Why? Because she feared him…or wanted him?

Heat radiated from his chest to his belly. Unused to clothing, he ached to tear away his jeans, t-shirt, and suede jacket. At the very least, he longed to be near her.

Intuition warned him to remain where he was. For the moment. When she left, he’d follow. He had no choice, sensing what awaited her on the shadowed streets. Within the last minutes, the smell from a guard—the most hated predator in his realm—had grown more obvious, leading him to this area. If the night air had calmed, he might have located the man’s hiding place with little effort. As it was, the wind kept changing direction, snatching the odor away.


To put her at ease and keep her from leaving the safety this place afforded, he smiled.

Her lips parted. Moisture slipped over the bottom one to her chin.

Yearning battered him. He wanted to lick the bead off, kiss her throat, gather her into his arms, and do so much more.

She stared. Uncertainty emanated from her.

He wasn’t certain whether she’d return his smile or flee.

Stay here until the threat’s gone. The guard will hide in a new location. He’ll stalk another woman.

She crossed the parking lot, away from him, her strides long and purposeful.

On instinct, he advanced a step, then stopped from tailing her. He couldn’t now, not after they’d exchanged such a prolonged glance. For him to follow too close behind would make her run, perhaps scream, bringing unwanted notice. His only option was to wait and allow things to play out as they had since he’d come to this realm, hunting—killing—protecting those he could in the hours before dawn.

About Tina: 

Tina’s an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction. 

On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes. 








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