Thursday, March 21, 2019

WIP Update #RomanticSuspense #Series

My monthly all keep my on my toes. I'd hate to report that I'm stalled writing my latest book. Last time, I reported having to rewrite the first ten chapters which resulted in the first twelve chapters of the book. I'm happy to say, I started writing Chapter Twenty-One today. Of course, these are first drafts. Considering what else is going on in my life, I'm mildly happy with the progress. Yes, FDW is still one-handed, and he's now getting therapy.

Wine tasting in Jerome
To refresh your memory, the setting for this new WIP is based on a real-life mining town turned ghost town turned tourist town. I've named the town Joshua. The working title is Magpie MacKenzie, a Joshua, Arizona Novel. There is suspense, mystery, old murders, romance...plenty to keep you turning the pages. My favorite parts of the book to create have been the flashbacks to 1969. Here is a glimpse at one of the scenes...just a piece of it.

“Do you want to split?” She tilted her head to the side. “Go to my place for a glass of wine?”
He slid an arm around her tiny waist. “Sure. Groovy. But…”
She settled against his arm. “Come on.”
They walked across the street before she finally spoke. “You would want to know. You’re a
solid kind.”
He wasn’t sure that was good in her eyes, yet, she kept walking so, he swallowed down his apprehension. Her T-shirt had ridden up from her waist and the silky skin against his arm about undid him. Maybe it didn’t matter about Wil. He’d worry about him tomorrow.
“Wil and I used to be hooked up. But lately, he’s changed. His gold aura is tinged with brown. I can’t even get a clear sight of the gold anymore.”
With a nudge, she directed their path between two houses, and came upon a stone structure. The cottage was small and lower to the ground than most houses. There were no steps, just a small square of bricks in front of the white door. The walls looked as if they’d stacked ten-inch boulders and cemented them together. Flowers and small green plants rimmed the building around the foundation.
Stopping, she leaned into him, and tilted her chin upward. “Auras are an emanation or like the atmosphere surrounding a person. Any living thing for that matter. Auras have color.”
His mind was having trouble. Oxygen starved. Her breasts pressed soft against him, her breath floated warm, penetrating the shirt on his chest. “Ah-and the, uh, color means something?”
She smiled. “Yes, it does. Wil’s a lover of beauty, and has an artistic flare. He craved too much attention, which didn’t bother me much at first. But he also hates to be criticized, and now with the tinge of brown…”
“I sense deception.”

Haunted Hotel?
Back to Chapter Twenty-One. If you're interested in the setting I'm basing this series on, Google Jerome, Arizona. It has quite a history.