Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tips and Myths #MythBusters

A quickie today, busting a few myths.

Alcohol is warming
Nothing like a shot on a cold night, right? Actually, alcohol dilates warm blood vessels near the skin, creating the impression of warmth. It can actually drop core body temp. Yikes.

Chastity Belts
Husbands would put these on their wives in days gone by to prevent them from straying while hubby was away on a long trip, right? Nope. They were not anti-adultery devices. This lovely little device was invented by prudes in the 19th century to prevent ‘dangerous’ masturbation.

Caffeine dehydrates
This one blew me away. I have seen caffeine listed in over the counter diuretics. But according to my myth-busting research, the diuretic dehydrating effect of caffeine is offset by the amount of water in a caffeinated drink.

Shaving thickens hair
Regrown hair isn’t thicker, coarser or darker. It just appears so because it’s no longer tapered.

7 years to digest
Mom always said don't swallow your gum. It'll clog you up! The truth is the chewy base of gum is indigestible and passes straight through. The remainder is absorbed.

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