Friday, January 12, 2024

Strong Women of Fact and Fiction #girlpower

 What's Your Definition of a Strong Woman?

Would you define female strength different than male strength? In days gone by, I think we did, but the lines have blurred especially in fiction. Kick-ass women heroines are extremely popular. There are tons of books with female detectives, cops, bodyguards. Girl Power! 

The fact is, even in real life the lines have blurred. Take for instance, FDW and me. For the first thirty-seven years of our marriage, my husband always surprised me with a gift or greeting…surprised because I never remembered the date. Now, that’s just backwards. Women are the sentimental ones, right? Then we moved into a house in Robbinsdale, Minnesota with a new phone number. The phone number ended with 22. At last, something I could relate, make a connection, give me a hint to the date we were married. FDW is mushier than I am. Nowadays, we can admit such things. 

The heroines of my Wild Horse Peaks books have varying degrees of physical strength, but, for me, inner strength makes for a more compelling story: living through the deaths of parents and a husband; standing up to a stalker; facing a Nazi mad-woman; leading a double life to avoid a murderer; surviving abuse. Each woman endures hardships and comes out on the other side with a shining inner strength. Actually, one of them is pretty daring and goes after her stalker with a gun, but she has even more emotional strength. 

So what is your definition of a strong woman? Do you prefer the muscle variety packing a gun? Do the women of the west, enduring hardships and loneliness strike a chord? Do you enjoy reading about heroines whose attitude says everything about strength? 

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