Sunday, August 11, 2024

Life's Adventures

A few months back, I had an idea for blogging that would be an ongoing journal of "The Life of an Author." I had no idea if anyone would be interested. At book fests, I'm often asked questions about my writing process or what it's like to write a book, so I thought, well, maybe. So, I started journaling, but it didn't last long. I've started and stopped journals so many times in my life. I have trouble finding the time to journal when I'm so busy writing books and promoting. But I'll share my first entry anyway. If anyone sees this and states a smidgen of interest, I might be compelled to take it up again. Or not. 

FEBRUARY 1, 2023 

Woke at 5 a.m. and since it was the 4th time I'd awakened since 9 p.m. the night before, I put the covers over my head and waited until I could smell the coffee brewing at the programmed time of 5:25. Once the aroma drifted in, I did my stretches, fixed the pillows on my bed for sitting up, and turned up the heat. Once I had coffee and cream in my mug, I went back to bed and fired up my laptop. Checked personal email 28 messages (a sale at JC Pennys, return email to sister-in-law, and deleted all the junk mail). Checked business email. 22 messages. Answered 3. Filed away 3 for later attention. Scanned 2 author loop messages. Scanned a blog. Deleted all the junk mail. Checked and replied to personal Facebook page. Checked and replied to author Facebook page. Did the same for my BrendaSue page and my editor page. Scanned the feeds for all four and commented on a dozen posts. I reheated my half cup of coffee in the microwave. Skimmed Twitter, otherwise known as X. Looked at the Twitter notifications and liked or shared. Checked my book ranking on Amazon. Checked royalty reports on KDP. 

Put drops in eyes. Think I’m tired. 

Amigo was shooting me daggers at 7:30. I dressed in two layers of clothes and walked 1.5 miles with
the dog in 30-degree temps. 

Back home, I peeled out of one layer, poured another cup of java and hit the living room chair with computer in lap. Made a hotel reservation for Feb 28 and Mar 1 for the book event I am doing in Tombstone, Arizona. Saw a note on my calendar that I should reread David Gaughran’s notes on newsletters. I know I won’t have time so I move it to the weekend. I checked email and FB again. Made comments and replies. Shared a post on FB. Mom called and distracted me for 15 minutes. Brought up my blog, Discover... and started a column about Candy, Cigarettes, and Murder. FDW woke up, and we decided to do cold cereal for breakfast. Bad decision. I’m was already cold. 3rd cup of hot coffee. 

Brushed teeth, showered, made bed, cleaned up breakfast dishes. FDW left to do grocery shopping. 

I finished the blog and post. Shared it on FB and Twitter. Mom called so I closed the laptop and took a lunch break. I was hungry for Mexican, but we were so out of food I couldn’t even make nachos. I settled for spinach salad topped with some leftover hamburger and tomatoes with chili powder and garlic. I then hunkered down and got chapter twenty-two of Reading, Writing, and Murder finished. Sent it off to my co-author, Joyce Proell. 

Amigo threw up on the leather couch so I cleaned that up. 

I saw on my calendar I was supposed to call and schedule a mammogram. I called, and they put me on hold, so I gave up and added it to tomorrow's list. Completed a character interview for a blog tour for Candy, Cigarettes, and Murder in March. Sent it to co-author for opinions. Checked email and FB and followed up. 

FDW got home with groceries so I put those away for the next half hour. 

While FDW napped, I made a page for Candy, Cigarettes, and Murder (CCM) on Book Funnel. Then I joined a group promotion on BF for the book. 

Changed my mom’s address online with 2 places she asked me to take care of on her last phone call. I called her again to update her that I'd done as asked. 

While proofing, I discovered a mistake in both the eBook and the print book of CCM. I had to make corrections and uploaded them yet again to Amazon. 

FDW got up from his nap, and I reminded him to check the pipes under the sink that like to loosen and leak from time to time. 

I dusted the surfaces in living room, kitchen, and bedrooms. 

Checked email and FB for the last time. Followed up. Checked rankings on Amazon and royalty reports on KDP. 

Watered all the plants outside while FDW whipped up a delicious dinner. I sat down to a grilled steak, asparagus, potatoes, and red wine. My work day done, we watched a movie.

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