Monday, May 22, 2017

Jumping Time Periods by Augustina Van Hoven

MUSE MONDAY          
Please join me in welcoming Augustina Van Hoven to Discover Yourself today.
Writing a series that takes place in two different time periods requires a lot of research.  For the Rose series I needed to know the colorful history of the Idaho Territory, in particular the years of 1881 and 1882.  Several of the real historical figures and events made it into the series.

            The modern day parts of the book take place in the Idaho Legislature.  For these parts I studied current political issues as well as drawing on personal experience.   A few years ago I substituted for my own representative in the legislature.  I presented and debated bills in committees as well as the floor of the House.  Even though the book is fiction, the political bills that my characters present have actually been discussed either in interim committees or on the House floor.

            All these elements are blended into this paranormal story involving two supernatural beings who use people and ghosts as chess pieces in their game of wills.  I had a lot of fun telling this story and weaving all the different parts into a unique tapestry.  I will miss all these characters that have been a part of my life for several years. The Bloom of a Rose is the third and final book in the series.  It releases on March 14th

Augustina Van Hoven

Proving Love is Strange



THE BLOOM OF A ROSE – Available March 14th

Twitter:  @augustinavhoven

Pinterest: Augustina Van Hoven, Author 

The Bloom of a Rose
Rachel Bartlett doesn’t expect to meet the man of her dreams at a funeral.  But a chance conversation with Paul Miller inserts her in a political game between good and evil.  Unfortunately, her political strategist mother has other plans for her, and they don’t include romance.  Paul is the exact wrong guy for her, but sometimes it takes someone from the opposition to show you the way out of the maze.
Paul Miller is fighting battles on multiple fronts, and he doesn’t have time for an infatuation with a graphic artist, no matter how blue her eyes or how sharp her wit.  If his trust is misplaced, then a wrong move loses the game.
What the couple doesn’t know is that they are not alone.  Supernatural beings battle behind the scenes—and humans are all pawns on a chessboard.  The outcome of the game will determine not only what the future might be…but whether or not there even is one.
The Bloom of a Rose
March 14th

            Paul reached for the sweet and sour chicken trying not to let his hand shake.  “Did you come to a decision?”
            She set down her fork and stared at her plate. “No.”
            He let out his breath and his chest relaxed a bit.  “Are you leaning one way or the other?”
            She looked up and he could see the tears sparkling in her eyes.  He set down his food, reached out and gathered her in his arms.  She leaned against his chest and he could feel the moisture of her tears dampen his shirt. 
            “It’s all right.  I’m here, I can help you.”
            She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried.
            After a while she let go and straightened up.  He handed her a dinner napkin and she wiped her eyes and nose then took a deep breath. 
            “It’s cheaper for me to go back to school.  There are some low rent apartments available not too far from a bus route that will go right past the school.  The school has a list of places willing to hire students.  I can also apply for some of the art scholarships provided by some of the school’s patrons.  Because of the time I’ve lost since I came to Boise, it will take me a year and a half to two years to finish my studies.”  She ran the napkin over her face again.
            “If I take the online option, it will take two to two and a half years to finish.  It is more expensive to live here and I will have trouble finding a good job because of my mother.”  She sniffed and used the napkin again.

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