Thursday, November 8, 2018

Fall in #Rural #Arizona

What a great time I had a couple of weeks ago in Chino Valley, Arizona. The Chamber of Commerce sponsored the 50th anniversary of Yavapai College with a day long event. This is rural Arizona so there were hayrides, a truck and tractor show, pumpkin patch, corn maze, beer garden, food, dog costume contest, and vendors. I was part of that last group.

A fellow author, John J. Rust, joined me in offering our books. I signed and sold a bunch. This event was held far from town, and I
was doubtful about the attendance, but I was wrong. Lots of people and lots of readers. It was a great time.

This month is NaNoWriMo. Translation: National November Writing Month. An author can get into this seriously, or not so much like I do. If you take part in the national group, you have check in and set goals. I belong to a group called Pretendo NaNo. We set our own goals, cheer each other on, and don't judge when we fall short. I've been doing okay. The first book in my new series is taking shape. Helping our son move cut into my writing time, but family always comes first.

Another day down the drain as far as writing was yesterday. I had oral surgery. I'm having the tooth I knocked out in June replaced with a permanent one. Yesterday, they inserted the screw that the permanent tooth will be attached to. Nothing like having your head drilled. No fun. Still recovering this morning.

I'm enjoying the cooler, darker mornings here in Arizona. This is my favorite season. What's yours?


  1. I had a dental implant several years ago. No fun, but better than a big hole! Hang in there.

    1. I know. Sure taking a long time to complete. I'm looking at 3-4 more months and boy will I be glad. Thanks, Alison.
