Thursday, May 16, 2019

Tips and Myths #ThursdayThoughts #MythBusters


We’ve all been given great tips for everything from saving money to getting healthy. My mom has great ones, although some might border on old wives’ tales. Others, I’ve read in books or in those pop-up articles that catch your eye on social media and new sites. I’ll share some and bust some.

Mom says her dad claimed drinking a hot drink when you’re hot will cool you off. NOT
The only way I think this would work is if you stand in front of a fan with the added sweat you get from hot on the inside and outside.

I read that the shampoo and conditioner sold at the dollar store for a buck is just as good as the $10 bottle from the drugstore. NOT
Maybe it’s seconds, maybe it’s watered down, but for me it was just yuck.

Mom says hot water in the ice tray freezes faster than cold water. YES
I don’t know why, but it really seems to work.

Have a chest or head cold? Vicks on the chest while you sleep helps, but did you know if you rub it all over your feet and cover with socks for the night, it works even better? YES
I tried this when I had the flu, and I breathed easier and felt better.

Trying to make that cake healthier? You can substitute apple sauce for the cooking oil. YES

Watching calories? Snack on celery and carrot sticks to stave off hunger until the next meal. NOT
Sorry, but that just doesn’t do it for me. In a half hour, I’m hungry again. Including celery and carrot sticks with a meal helps on the caloric intake, but when I get hungry in between I have to have something that sticks. And it does no good to just stay hungry. I
devour too much when the meal comes. So…I’ll have a teaspoon of peanut butter and ¼ of a banana. Or four salt-free soda crackers with honey lightly drizzled over them. I’ll use carrots and celery for fillers at mealtime.

Do you have some old wives’ tales to bust or any helpful tips for whatever? Let me know and I’ll share next month.

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