Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Identifying with the Characters by Susan A. Royal #WickedWednesday


A little wicked (klutzy) fun with my guest Susan A. Royal.

I relate to my characters. Or maybe they relate to me. Whatever way you look at it, they’re usually clumsy, if not hopeless klutzes like me. They aren’t what you’d call athletic. And that usually leads to funny scenes.

Like the one with Lara and the Burdahs. She’d been riding behind Rhys for hours and fell asleep with her head against his shoulder. That was embarrassing enough because they’d been like oil and water since they met. Burdahs are approximately the size of Clydesdales, and Lara had no experience riding.

“With a death grip on the back of the oversized saddle, I straightened and scooted
back, leaving as much distance between the two of us as possible without falling
off the Burdah.

He dismounted and handed me the reins, joining Azle on the edge of a
precipice with a view of the entire valley below. My heart stuttered when the
Burdah shifted beneath me. What if the animal gets spooked and runs away with
me? My panic made the ground seem even further away.

Without letting go of the reins, I gripped the saddle horn, swung my leg over it,
and slid off the animal’s back. My feet hit the ground with a thud, leaving me
staggering to keep from falling on my face. Both Burdahs swung their heads
around, fixing me with what could only be expressions of amusement.
I jabbed a finger in their direction. ‘Don’t even think about laughing.’”
Things like this happened to me so many times in my life. I’ve learned to laugh about them and go on. Just like Lara. Read In My Own Shadow and you’ll see.

In My Own Shadow

Muse It Up Publishing: