Thursday, March 12, 2020

Tips, Myths, and #ThursdayThoughts #50years

I ran into a fun article for the over fifty crowd. And even if you aren’t over fifty, you might be awed by how long these things have been around. My guess is you’re still using, eating, or wearing stuff that’s been hanging around for 50+ years.

Birkenstocks came around in 1964 as the rage—ugly but comfortable. 25 million of them are still sold every year

The Bikini first made the scene in 1946. In 1960, the tiny suit was immortalized in the rock and roll song “Itsy Bity, Teeny Weeny, Yellow Polka dot Bikini.”

M&Ms were first crunched in 1941, and they are still the most popular candy today.

Miniskirts came on the scene in the early 1960s. You can still catch that much leg on women today. The stock market is said to rise when hemlines do.

In 1965, Gatorade led the way to the sports-drink boom.

James Bond hit the silver screen in 1962. Who’s your favorite?

To Kill a Mockingbird published in 1960. A million copies a year are still sold.

The orange snack, Cheeto, came out in 1948, a World War II invention. Who can eat just one?

In 1964, Pop-Tarts hit the grocery shelves. They were named after Andy Warhol’s pop art movement.

Remember the sexual revolution? We can thank the Pill, making its debut in 1960.

There’s more! I’ll share next month.

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